Eveyone Know Need To Know About "Knock-Knees"

 Have you ever noticed that your child’s knees bend inward and touch or “knock” against one another, even when they are standing with their ankles apart? This condition is called “Knock-knees, which usually corrects itself as the child grows. Knock knees are a part of the growth and development of a child, especially children under the age of 6 or 7. This is common in girls, but can also develop in boys as well. It is present to some degree for some time, although it can be more visible in some children.



When we talk about kids or adolescents, knock knees can be caused by a deficiency of D3 and calcium or improper postures. For example, some kids form a “W” while sitting down, which can weaken their knees if not corrected on time.

Whereas in adults, a sedentary lifestyle plays a part in the development of knock knees. After the pandemic, our physical activities have become almost non-existent and due to this our knees, hips, and other joints have become weak, increasing the chance of developing knock knees for adults.

Apart from these reasons knock knees can also be a result of some underlying or pre-existing conditions in both kids and adults. Some of these conditions can be:

·        Rickets – problems with bone development resulting from a lack of vitamin D and calcium

·        Excessive pressure on the knees – for example, as a result of obesity or loose knee ligaments (the bands of tissue around joints that connect bones)

·        An injury or infection affecting the knees or leg bones

·        Genetic conditions affecting the development of the bones or joints


Knock knees can result in knee pain, a limp, or having difficulty walking. Your knees may be put under additional pressure when the condition doesn’t get better on its own, which could increase the risk of developing arthritis.

Read More At Everything You need to know about "Knock knees"

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